Take a peek at our entrepreneur journey!

Are you struggling each month with cash flow? Is your biggest struggle getting leads?
If so, do you have a funnel ladder with a lower entry-level offer? The blueprint of all businesses should include a funnel ladder. For those who don’t know what a funnel ladder is, here is an example of a funnel ladder I created from what…

Shiny object syndrome
Have you heard of it? It’s a real thing. And I feel it is one of the number one reasons why businesses fail.
So my definition of shiny object syndrome is this. Hearing and seeing from other people new or different ways they are running…

Website vs Funnel
This is the most asked question for anyone looking to create a business or marketing system!
So here's the scoop!
Talking to the start ups... meaning people with 3 people or less.
You just filed your LLC or DBA and you are excited…

10 Min Change in Your Morning to Avoid a Bad Day and Have a Good Day!
Make this 10 Mins Change To Dramatically Change Your Day! Add 10 Mins to Ensure a Good Day!
Me: Aidan, Let's Go! You're going to be late for school! HURRY! Put your shoes on!
Aidan: Mom, look my shoes don't fit (as he is wearing…

What is your why?
ExploringAnother motivator for me to even start this new chapter in my life was my why. My family and flexibility in my schedule to be a mom that works from home. I want to be there when my son come home from school everyday and have that chat with him…

Progress or excuses
ExploringClickfunnels Partners Certification is no joke. It is a 12 week course that took me 20 weeks to complete. I remember one week I decided bookkeeping and anything else was more important than working on the certification. When I got stuck I felt…